Thursday, December 31, 2009

Catching Up!

I know, I have been slacking in the blog department. Believe me, it is not because I don't have anything to write about...we have been BUSY!

First, I was thrown another fabulous shower by Blakely, Meghan and Jenna. They did such a wonderful job and Fisher got THE cutest stuff!

The girls had all kinds of games planned. Here is Cecie and Laura trying to guess baby food flavors...yuck!

Now for the yummy food....

Thank you girls, Fisher and I love you all!

Next, it was Christmas (four Christmases to be exact). Fisher racked up on the baby gear! Of course, I have no pictures from the holidays, except this one of Chris and Michael sporting their new Georgia shirts.

And last, but not birthday dinner! A big group of us went to dinner at Eclipse Di Luna. It was all you can eat...I was in fatty heaven!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Hi, I'm Lindsey and I am a whale!

Welcome to the 3rd trimester! We are ONLY 2/3 of the way there and I feel and look like I might explode. Hurry up Fisher, mommy would like to see her feet again!

This weekend Chris and I attended our birthing class, 5 hours of what to expect followed by a video of an acutal birth. Poor Chris looked like he was the one giving birth by the end of it and I must say, I could have done without the video as well. I was suprised to see the mother in the video extremely calm, waving to the camera and even smiling between contractions. I was expecting a more dramatic show...but this mom did not deliver. I can almost guarantee this will not be my temperment when Fisher arrives. Now that I fully understand what goes down, the only person I will be waving to is the nurse to up my dosage on the meds!

Monday, November 23, 2009

What Happens At Grandma's Stays At Grandma's

Last weekend Chris and I went to stay at Grandma Cecie and Grandpa Mark's house to have dinner and watch the Georgia game. We knew that Cecie had been working hard on the nursery, but we had no idea how READY she was. We are 6 1/2 months along and Grandma Cecie and Grandpa Mark are ready to go! Fisher's room is jam packed with all of the toys, swings and baby gear a little boy could ask for.

Look at Fisher's precious bed, patiently awaiting his arrival.

And that's not all...this nursery is full. The only thing missing is the baby!

Thanks Cecie and Mark for a great weekend!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Showered With Love!

Last weekend, all of the Alabama girls threw me the most fabulous baby luncheon/weekend in Nashville. They put so much thought into everything! When I arrived I had this basket of goodies waiting on me. It was full of fun things like: belly butter, prenatal vitamins, a pregnancy magazine, the book "Belly Laughs," some snacks and more.  

That night, all of the girls brought in fun appetizers...I get hungry just thinking about it!

The next morning we woke up bright and early for the baby brunch at Puffy Muffin. The girls rented a private room and decorated it to perfection!

The table setting had hydrangeas and little bird accents, to match the theme in Fisher's room.

They hung little signs all over the room that said "Fisher" and "It's a Boy!"

Here is a picture of the delicious cake! I mean, how cute are those little booties?!

They showered me in the cutest gifts EVER and it is official...Fisher is already spoiled it!

Thank you girls, for such a special weekend!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

This and That

We have been buuusy! Last week, Katie and Weston came to visit us for a day of shopping at the mart. Chris and I were thrilled to have a little boy around the house; we can only hope Fisher is as well behaved as Weston! We followed her around the whole time  and watched her every move to learn all we could. Babies are a lot of work! Katie bought Weston this hat..too cute for words!

For Halloween, Chris and I went up to Big Canoe and stayed at my parents place. It is the prettiest time of the year because of all of the leaves. Here is a view from the top!

While we were there we went to see the Atlanta Magazine Dream Home. It was amazing! The master suite was the size of our entire house!

Friday, October 23, 2009

10 Fingers and 10 Toes!

Our last doctor’s appointment was great. Fisher's arms, legs and torso were measured and he is growing at the perfect speed. He did stop moving just enough for us to see 10 fingers and 10 toes, which may not seem like a big deal...but everything at this point is new and exciting. As the nurse said, “let the shopping begin!” Too bad the shopping started about 21 weeks ago, Fisher already has quite an impressive wardrobe!

We were also able to hear the heart beat, which is my favorite part of the appointments. It is an awesome feeling to know that he is just hanging out in my belly waiting to come out and meet us.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Five Months Down, Five More To Go!

Sunday marked the halfway point and we could not be more thrilled. With the holidays coming up, we hope the second half will fly by. I am getting bigger by the second and so is the little guy in my belly. I can now feel his kicks, jabs and punches throughout the day. Christopher has felt him a few times. He gets so excited when he feels the little guy; it is like they are bonding…too cute for words!

We have decided on a name, Fisher Vincent Catone. Chris can’t wait for all of his “buddies” to call him Fish. I think it is precious and can’t wait to meet Mr. Fisher Vincent Catone!

This weekend we went to the pumpkin patch, and picked out pumpkins for me, Chris and Fisher. I just can’t wait until next year, when we can go as a family.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Girl's Trip!

Two weeks ago, I took a trip with the Alabama girls (Sarah, Ashley and Leah) and it was just what I needed. Leah planned a wonderful weekend at her house in Birmingham...thanks Leah! We all got in Friday night, where Leah had delicious apps and cocktails (yes, even one for me) waiting on all of us. Then we went and sat outside and listened to music at a new Mexican restaurant, the girls had some more cocktails and I had delicious water!

The next day we woke up and went to out for bagels and shopping. We shopped for the entire day and treated ourselves to a it!

That night, we went to Sips and Strokes, a painting class where you bring wine and paint with your girl friends. We painted a Van Gogh, and it was hard…here is what it should have looked like:

And here is our final product:

Thanks for such a great weekend, girls! I can’t wait to see you again for the Alabama game!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Daddy Diaries

So, I guess it’s my turn. As Lindsey stated in her previous entry, I’m extremely happy to be having a boy…my own little protégé to teach about sports, girls, and to fetch me beers when I’m watching SEC football.

The fact that I’m going to be a Dad is getting more real every day with Lindsey’s growing belly. I feel like in order to be as supportive as possible, that I must also make sure that my belly is growing. A few fun facts:

Weight: 3.5lbs and counting
Cravings: Chipotle burritos, any and all Thai food, Budlight Lime and UGA Football
Paternity clothes: sometimes after eating the above mentioned burritos, I unbutton my pants

For the record...I'm pushing out.

Monday, September 14, 2009

The Proudest Day of Chris’ Life!

Sunday, Chris and I had a 4-D ultrasound to determine the sex of the baby. The nurses were able to determine the sex immediately, not only because it is a boy, but also because our baby is a bit of a show-off (wonder where he gets that?)! The nurses even joked about how proud our little boy was as he displayed his “man parts” for all to see!

Our little boy may have been proud, but NO ONE was as proud as the father. Chris was practically jumping up and down throwing air punches in excitement. The nurses said it was the funniest response they have ever seen.

Here are some of the pictures. These are my favorites:

This is a side view of the baby

And this one shows his little presh!
These are Chris' favorites....wonder why?!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Confessions of a Mother-to-be

I have a confession to make. I copy other mom’s registries. I am sure you are thinking, why would anyone do this? Don’t you want to pick out your OWN stuff?

Before you pass judgment, hear me out. Chris and I decided that we would start registering for a few of the bigger items so we planned a trip to Babies"R”Us. Now, I L.O.V.E.D. registering for our wedding, so I thought this would give me the same thrill. Instead I found myself lost and completely hopeless in baby land. Chris and I were there for 3 hours and registered for 2 things (both of which we were unsure of). I followed my friend Katie’s advice and bought Baby Wise, a book that rates any and every baby product you can imagine and tells you what is worth the extra money and what is not. I skimmed the book before we went, but thought it best to bring the book and look up the products as we went….BAD IDEA.

So, there we are in the middle of mommy mania, with our little book trying to figure out what in the world we are doing. Basically, we looked like tourists, only we were not in a foreign country…we were at freakin Babies“R”Us! All the other moms were frantically scanning items like they had a doctorate in baby goods. I wanted to cry.

I finally decided that I would turn in the gun and go home. Once we got home, I decided to look up a very smart and wise mom’s registry and simply rely on her research and knowledge to get me through this hard time. So, I did the unthinkable...I copied her registry.

Now, I did not tell her right away. I told her after she left me a message talking about how I registered for the best stuff, and how they had the same bathtub and loved it, and how they had the exact same pack n'play and it was amazing! There was a few other items she mentioned, but you get the idea.

I had to confess, I called her up and told her that this was no coincidence, I was in fact a cheat. I cheated on my registry and did the only thing I knew to do…copy hers.

Thanks Katie, let me know if any of your products aren’t up to snuff…I want only the best for my little one!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Catones are Preggers!

The wait is up; we have made it to 13-weeks! Let the blog begin. We have been very selective in telling people about our news and I must say, keeping it in is HARD! So, here it goes… Chris and I are pregnant!

Yesterday was our 13-week appointment and the most exciting one to date! The baby actually looks like a baby and not a “gummibear,” as Chris says. We saw the baby suck his/her thumb and wiggle around. The nurse said that the baby could do everything in my stomach that he/she will do once he/she is out…so crazy! Here is our ultrasound photo from yesterday.

The baby is now 3 inches and growing at the perfect speed, we are on track to a healthy little baby! Here are a couple fun facts:

Weight: I’ll never tell + 5 pounds
Cravings: Anything from Mexico
Maternity Clothes: Love them, might never go back!

Most of you already know the story, but since I am telling the World Wide Web, I might as well tell you how I told the father. Christopher was away for business when I got the news via EPT (a.k.a, the error proof test). Technology has come quite a long way since the days of one line or two. This special test simply read, “pregnant.” There is not much second-guessing when something is that straight forward. Anyways, I took the test on a Thursday and Chris was returning the following night. I wanted to tell him in person, so I decided I would surprise him with a themed dinner. I do love a theme. I prepared baby back ribs, baby corn, fresh buns and baby peas. When dinner was ready, I called him into the dinning room. Here is how it went.

Chris: “What are we having?”
Lindsey: “Well, we have baby back ribs, baby corn and baby peas. I also have buns, fresh out of the oven. Would you like one?”
Chris: “No, I don’t want a bun. I love baby corn though!”

At this point, Chris is digging in.

Lindsey: “So, we have baby back ribs, baby corn, baby peas and buns from the oven…notice anything?”
Chris: “There is a theme? Baby!?”
Lindsey: “Yeah.”
Chris: “Is it because we are going to see Katie’s baby tomorrow?”
Lindsey: “Um, no.”
Chris: “You're pregnant?”
Lindsey: “Um, yes!”

This was a lot longer of a convo at the time. I was so nervous and I had been keeping it in for over 24 hours, all to myself. I thought he would pick up on it right away, but he finally got it. Next, he asked to see “the test,” which I knew he would do. I saved it, but when I went to get it, the screen was blank. I don’t know if he did not believe me or he just really needed to see for himself, but a trip to Kroger and 2 pregnancy tests later gave him the confirmation he was looking for!