Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Daddy Diaries

So, I guess it’s my turn. As Lindsey stated in her previous entry, I’m extremely happy to be having a boy…my own little protégé to teach about sports, girls, and to fetch me beers when I’m watching SEC football.

The fact that I’m going to be a Dad is getting more real every day with Lindsey’s growing belly. I feel like in order to be as supportive as possible, that I must also make sure that my belly is growing. A few fun facts:

Weight: 3.5lbs and counting
Cravings: Chipotle burritos, any and all Thai food, Budlight Lime and UGA Football
Paternity clothes: sometimes after eating the above mentioned burritos, I unbutton my pants

For the record...I'm pushing out.

Monday, September 14, 2009

The Proudest Day of Chris’ Life!

Sunday, Chris and I had a 4-D ultrasound to determine the sex of the baby. The nurses were able to determine the sex immediately, not only because it is a boy, but also because our baby is a bit of a show-off (wonder where he gets that?)! The nurses even joked about how proud our little boy was as he displayed his “man parts” for all to see!

Our little boy may have been proud, but NO ONE was as proud as the father. Chris was practically jumping up and down throwing air punches in excitement. The nurses said it was the funniest response they have ever seen.

Here are some of the pictures. These are my favorites:

This is a side view of the baby

And this one shows his little booty....so presh!
These are Chris' favorites....wonder why?!