Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

For Valentine's Day, I surprised Chris with a visit back to the 3-D image place where we went to find out if we were having a boy or a girl. Both of our families were there to get a sneak peek of Fisher before his arrival, it was so cool to share that with the family! It has been 22 weeks since our last visit...what a difference! Last time we were able to see Fisher's entire body and this time only snapshots..he has been busy growing. Here is a picture of his face, we can't wait to see him in person and hope he comes on time...14 days and counting!

Look at those cheeks; someone is feeding him well:)

Friday, we had snow and the neighborhood kids flocked to our yard to take advantage of the hill in our yard (it must seem big to them!). Chris practiced his daddy skills and played with the little boys..too cute!

1 comment:

  1. WE LOVE FISHER! His chubby cheeks are adorable! Can't wait to meet him. We love you!
